Saturday, February 11, 2012

Casa de México

A B r i e f D i c t i o n a r y o f C o m m o n T e r m s

Nahuatl language varies according to the state where you are, some words are spelled starting with a "K" while another with a "C" for the same word, even the last letters maybe altered depending on your location in Mexico. We try to use the most common terms below.

Kalli - house, casa
Tlazocamatli - thank you, gracias
Tonatiuh - sun, sol
Meztli - moon, luna
Azteka - from Aztekatl (meaning from Aztlan), de Aztekatl (significa de Aztlan)
Tlatoa - speak, hablar
Ikniuhtli - friend, amigo
Nehuatl - I, yo
Tehuatl - you, tu
Niltze - hi, hola
Amo - no
Kema - yes, si

Titlatoa Nahuatl? - do you speak Nahuatl? Tu hablas Nahuatl?
Kema, Nitlatoa Nahuatl - yes, I speak Nahuatl, Si, Yo hablo Nahuatl
Amo, Nitlato Nahuatl - no, I do not speak Nahuatl. No hablo Nahuatl
Ken Motoka? - what is your name?, Cual es tu numbre?
Nehuatl Notoka... - my name is..., mi nombre es ...
Kanin Tichanti? - where do you live?, donde es tu vives?
Nehuatl Nichanti... - I Live..., yo vivo...
Kenin Otimo Uika - how are you doing?, como as estado?
Hue Kaulli - very good, muy bien
Kualli - good, bueno

Cihuatl - woman, mujer
Tlacatl - man, hombre
Nantlil - mother, madre
Tahtll - father, padre
Ikniuh - brother, hermano
Hueltiuh - sister, hermana
Cuacualti - beautiful, bonita
Papakiliztli - happy, feliz
Yoliliztli - life, vida
Yollotl - heart, corazon
Itacatl - food, comida
Cintlaolli - corn, maize
Atl - water, agua
Atoyaatl - river, rio
Mixtli - cloud, nube
Ehekatl - wind, viento
Kiauitl - rain, lluvia
Tletl - fire, fuego
Ayauhcozamalotl - rainbow, arco iris
Cicitlaltin - stars, estrellas
Ilhuitl - day, dia
Yoal - night, la noche
Axan - today, hoy
Cualcan - tomorrrow morning, manana
Nian - here, aqui

G e m s & M i n e r a l s
Chalchiuitl - jade
Itztli - obsidian, obsidiana
Tecalli - onix
Iztactehulotl - rock quartz or crystal, cristal de roca
Huitzitzilteepatl - opal , opalo
Teoxihuitl - turquoise, turquesa
Apozonalli - amber, ambar
Tlaquauacteepatl - diamond, diamante
Tlapaltehuilotl - amathist, amatista
Quetzalxoquiyae - emerald, esmeralda
Cuacocoztic - ruby, rubí
Epyollotli - pearl, perla
Matlalxihuitl - saffire, zafiro

N u m b e r s
Ce - one, uno
Ome - two, dos
Yeyi - three, tres
Nahui - four, cuatro
Macuil - five, cinco
Chicuacen - six, seis
Chicome - seven, siete
Chicuei - eight, ocho
Chihnahui - nine, nueve
Matlactli - ten, diez

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