Sunday, July 31, 2016 aims to explore how the unique qualities of the Internet can facilitate the task of learning and teaching Sanskrit. To some extent this site is iconoclastic, for although it owes much to both traditional Sanskrit grammar and classical Western philology, it does away with both whenever they make the task of learning Sanskrit needlessly complicated.
The heart of the site is the grammar guide, which has been under slow but steady development for a few years. Featuring thousands of exercises, more than one hundred lessons, and dozens of images and audio clips, the guide presents Sanskrit grammar in a fresh way without sacrificing clarity, depth, or its enthusiastic spirit!
To better enable Sanskrit's growth on the Internet, the site also has a collection of tools. The most popular of these tools is Sanscript, a transliteration program that is hosted on this site. Also hosted here is an old copy of Dr. Oliver Hellwig's SanskritOCR, which is not readily available elsewhere.

You can read more about the site itself on the about page. To see what sort of software can enhance your use of the site, consult this page.

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